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Minecraft Programming

 (For 8 to 13 years old) 

Minecraft is a highly popular game, but it is much more than just a game.  Being a Silver Partner of Code Kingdoms (UK Company), we offer a course on developing Minecraft mods using drag and drop graphical interface and editing Java codes.  By creating simple modding, students will be able to create their own mini-games within Minecraft and play with their peers!

Duration: 12 Hours (4 sessions)

Language: Bilingual in Cantonese and English

​​Pre-requisite: Some basic coding experience is preferred

Level 1:

Date: 8/7 - 11/7 (Mon - Thu)
Time: 10:00 - 13:00 (3 hour) @HKSP
Tuition: $3620 (Early Bird $2530)

Level 2:

Date: 5/8 - 8/8 (Mon - Thu)
Time: 10:00 - 13:00 (3 hour) @HKSP

Tuition: $3620 (Early Bird $2530)

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