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【通告 - 最新Summer Camp 2020 上課安排】

鑒於目前疫情在香港日益嚴重,確診個案急劇上升,出現多宗本地確診個案並有大規模傳染跡象;考慮到學生之健康及安全,Coding101 因應疫情決定調整以下 Summer Camp 2020 暑期課程:

*於 27/07/2020 至 07/08/2020 期間舉行的課堂將以線上授課形式進行。而 08/08/2020 至 28/08/2020 的課程會因應當時疫情狀況而更新安排。* 家長們亦可以瀏覽 Coding101 網站 ( 或 Facebook ( 得悉最新情況。

我們會於課程開始前至少一星期透過此WhatsApp通知各家長有關課程的上課日期、時間及所需的電腦配置。家長亦會收到線上授課的指引,讓學生能在上課前作好準備。課堂上的教學或延伸學習資源將會放置於 Google Classroom 應用程式內,供學生課後下載、自習之用。

如家長對上課形式有疑問,歡迎 WhatsApp 與我們聯絡。


【 Notice: updates of arrangements for Summer Camp 2020 】

In view of the increasing confirmed COVID-19 cases in Hong Kong recently, Coding101 decided to arrange the following Summer Camp 2020 summer courses considering the health and safety of students:

*Classes held from 27/07/2020 to 07/08/2020 will be conducted online. Arrangements for other courses from 08/08/2020 to 28/08/2020 will be updated according to the latest situation.* Parents can also visit Coding101 website ( or Facebook ( to get the latest information.

We will notify parents through this WhatsApp account at least one week before the course starts about the registered course date, time and required computer configuration. Parents will also receive guidelines for online teaching so that students can be well prepared before class.

Teaching materials in class or extended learning resources will be released in the Google Classroom app for students to download and study after class.

If parents have any questions or comments about our courses or related arrangements, please call 37052490 or WhatsApp to contact us.



Suite 310A, Core Building One, Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong

Copyright © Coding101 2024

Member of Binary Creation Limited

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